Armstrong would like some more time to play with puppies and snuggle their hubby.
Armstrong would like some more time to play with puppies and snuggle their hubby.
The mobile version is getting its own update plan, but not until later this month.
It’s up to the players to figure out what’s going on.
It's a chance to experiment a bit, too.
Now there’s more than one way to obtain player-made items.
I mean, I guess a timer makes since in this version, right? Every second counts.
The XIV team wants to see what you can do with those two dye channels.
It’s time to meet the Smugglers.
Amazon Games has been teasing the map all weekend, now we have the full lay of the land.
"Battlefield Labs" will allow players to get their hands in there in time to actually influence development.
"...Performance of our Switch port was not up to our standards..."
The Queen of Love returns.
Earn rewards for yourself and your clan.
Find out what the devs learned from Prelude 8.
It’s the teasey-est of teases.
No official word on any potential founder refunds yet, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
There will still be an offline version, but you need to snag the game before Season 5 ends.
Closed playtests start tomorrow.
According to reports, the events are still in discussion.
The devs are celebrating by offering Journeyman packages at a discount.
While it makes sense to finally merge "early access" and "launch" servers, this still seems like a large merge.
Year 6 Season 3 is headed to the PTR tomorrow.
The island may be cursed, but legend has it there’s treasure to be found.
Looks like the Settlers of Kalguur settled in for the long-term.
Pre-download starts in two weeks, with character creation starting shortly after that.