Nightingale Isn't Going Anywhere, But The Remaining Team Does Need To Prioritize Differently Going Forward
The next few updates will focus on endgame content.
Last week, Nightingale held a Q&A with their community via the survival game's official Discord. If you happened to miss the call, the team at Inflexion Games posted an edited transcript so you can get in and see everything the team is working on, and what players are asking to have updated.
The call got into quite a few specifics on items being worked on for future updates and I'll sum up some of the larger points in a moment, but an important part of the call did touch on how Nightingale moves forward after having just closed a studio and laid off employees.
"There is zero intention for us to close Nightingale down. You're hearing it from us that we are continuing to work on Nightingale, and part of the reason we made the changes to the studio that we did was to enable us to continue to work on Nightingale and to support it in the long term," said Inflexion CEO Aaryn Flynn.
Flynn also called on the 134 participants in the call to be evangelists for the game.
This does mean that the remaining team needs to be a bit more focused when it comes to the additions and improvements they want to implement in Nightingale. "I guess there are two ways to look at where we go from here. One is that we still have a healthy number of folks contributing to Nightingale right now, and it's now incumbent on us too, and I think this is what you were alluding to Scarbs, is have them focus on only the most important things," Flynn added.
Some of those larger focus points right now are centered around the addition of Nightingale City. This new batch of endgame content is currently expected to arrive soon. This update is slated to add a new biome (no, the team doesn't view "winter" as a biome), new tile sets with some rounded improvements, and more. Other endgame content will be drip-added to Nightingale over the next two updates.
The next update itself, slated for later this month, will take down the game's Halloween event. However, to avoid FOMO (fear of missing out), Inflexion will still make the items from the event available in the tech tree.
Yes, the Queen Automaton is still coming, and yes, the team very much wants to improve farming, but that has to take a backseat for now as the team focuses more on content that the data shows players are interacting with the most.
According to Flynn, Nightingale is "sometimes broader than it is deep, and we want to add depth to the places that we now have confidence you're all enjoying, or other people are enjoying. That's things like the combat and then the building/estate management. Those are the two big areas, and both of those can also then be connected to the end game content that folks have been alluding to. Nightingale City is the element of that. And so that becomes our job as development leaders is to focus our team on the most important things, and those are the two things."
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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