If you decide to buy it, it's on a deep sale, too.
If you decide to buy it, it's on a deep sale, too.
When you're done there, some new building tools, gear, and clothing customization options have been added, too.
It’s been in the works for a while, and now it’s finally here.
A "Spaghetti Western" tileset is inbound, too.
The update also kicks off the winter event.
The next few updates will focus on endgame content.
CEO Aaryn Flynn And Head of Audio didn’t want to talk about the game before discussing the layoffs.
They aren't giving up on early access development, but this can't be good in the long-term for the title.
According to statements from laid off staff, the UK subsidiary is closing.
Hopefully this will be exactly the boost that Nightingale needs to keep pushing forward.
Enhanced combat, new tools and weapons, and more are all part of the coming 0.5 update.
More focus, more uniqueness, and a new campaing.
Are the changes enough to make you consider playing again already or will it take more?
Expect some interesting changes.
In addition there’s a shiny new event.
The developers outlined their priorities, including immediate and short-term improvements.
Let's take a look at what's coming.
A special bundle will help players rebuild.
The devs are addressing players concerns and setting a patch cadence.
Fixes include everything from preventing anti-virus programs from blocking the game to visual changes.
What does the survival game do to stand out in a VERY crowded space.
Step into your own procedurally generated Victorian-era fantasy magical world.
Get a peek at character creation, crafting, combat, and more.
Keybinds are coming, the HUD’s getting some love, and the game is launching on GeForce Now.
Early access got a surprise date bump.
Third-person view, FOV sliders, key remapping…they’ve addressed a lot.
And also your friend Puck, featuring his sweet dance moves.
Be weary of this creep when you play the upcoming open-world survival game next month.
For better, or for worse!
Don't want to see people? We get it, and so does Nightingale, apparently.