Nightingale Continues "Realms Rebuilt" Reveal, This Time Diving Into A New Campaign And How Realms Are "Rebuilt"

More focus, more uniqueness, and a new campaing.

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


Last week, the Nightingale team revealed their initial plans for their "Realms Rebuilt" update coming this summer. The survival game has found itself in a bit of weird spot since early access launch. The Inflexion Games team had a game that had a lot of eager eyes on it, but launching without an offline mode and some technical issues, combined with a perceived limited content spread led to some release challenges. The team's been fixing and adding to Nightingale since then, but the Realms Rebuilt update is an important early access improvement for the team. As player counts fall, the team needs a bit of a rebound in those numbers.

Nightingale promised a second blog and now we have it. This time around, we're talking the realms themselves. Realms may be quite different in the future. The team wants to make them more unique and full of new, individual adventures. This leads to what Inflexion Games calls "Storied Realms." These realms are individually crafted within their own biomes and the new campaign coming in the next update will issue Realm Cards taking you to these Storied Realms complete with a new hub; The Crossways.

These Storied Realms will become the focus for mainline quests, but the current procedurally-generated realms will still be a place to explore, gather, and take on challenges.

This leads into the new campaign seeing the return of Puck, this time voiced by Marc Warren. The entire purpose is to craft a more focused approach to the story, the progression, and advancement. This includes new points of interest, a new boss/puzzle challenge system, and more impactful stories with a "finale" punctuating big story beats.

Now that may sound like the removal of the "freedom" aspects of a survival game, but it's important to remember that the plan is for this experience to be built on top of the current experience, not as a total replacement for it.

It's interesting to say the least. Let's see if it nets the return of the players, though.

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In this article: Nightingale, Inflexion Games.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (1)

Flintstone 6 months ago
Devs need to go back to proper beta' tests
Ok..early access gives them some doe, and, because a player has to make a transaction of payment, they, have given the player a voice to shout, complain or praise with.

A beta test your in a closed void of play tests.
Play testers should not have time to condemn the game itself as they are testers of the game mechanics, and your there to tell the devs constructive fix's to the problems occurred during the game test.

back to - Early access, these things do get talked about. but... if its a shit storm game. The shouting and complaining can more escalated because of money.

These just one of risks in game development. :)

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