New World’s First Day Live Is Filled With Lots Of Players And The Expected Problems
The whole global name thing seems to be causing the headaches we imagined.
New World is up and running with the last of the servers (NA West) spinning up about an hour ago as of this writing. Currently, Steam’s stats page lists New World at the number 2 spot, after CSGO and before Dota 2 – with just a smidge under 661k concurrent players.
Of course, depending on what servers you’re trying to get in on, you may have some troubles. According to reports on Reddit, Valhalla wait times are pretty massive because all the PvPers want to be there. EU servers were having issues as well, what with the whole global name reservation thing, but that should hopefully be leveled off now since all the servers are now open. They’re also opening new worlds as they go along. That said, all the worlds are capped at 2,000 players, so you’ll have to be willing to spread out if you want to be able to get into the game more easily.
Speaking of the global name issue…there also seems to have been some confusion around the whole reserving your name on the EU servers so you can have it on the later launching servers when the time comes thing. It turns out some players were having friends reserve their names for them, thinking said friends could then delete the character and then the player who actually wanted it would be able to pick it up on their account. That’s…not working. The reason being that when a character name is taken, it’s locked to that account for 90 days. So yes, your name has been reserved. But, no. You can’t have it for about three months. So, you’re stuck getting a different name if you want to play now, anyway.
Not surprisingly, the result of these issues is that the game currently has mixed reviews on Steam – which will probably swing one way or the other once the game has had some time to settle in. It should be noted, however, that several of the negative reviews are due to the lack of an SEA server and players in that region having to deal with the lag associated with jumping on Australia’s severs. Still, the game did actually launch and many players seem to be enjoying themselves. So, hopefully, once all the kinks are worked out, everyone who’s been looking forward to the game will be able to get in and have fun.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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