It's time for massive battles and painting.
It's time for massive battles and painting.
It's all about the art on this week's episode of Forged in Aeternum.
The latest Forged in Aeternum episode opens with a bang, to be sure.
It's almost time to take down giant cyclops, cyclopses, cyclopi, whatever.
Daily Bonus items and more will be there for the taking.
It all stemmed from just saying ‘Hi.’
Explore the philosophy, elements, and stories behind zone creation.
Leaderboards are coming tomorrow and New World listened to player feedback.
He says it’s time to try something new.
We'll get a little reflective as we look at about a decade of covering games this week!
The powers of the void can be used to harm or heal.
It's a big, big post with lots of info.
Oh, and there’s another New World exploit.
The update also fixes several important issues.
They won’t say exactly what it is, but are pretty sure it won’t affect anyone non engaged in “bad faith AFK”.
The whole global name thing seems to be causing the headaches we imagined.
Take a shot in the dark.
The fourth installment of Lost Arks's class overview is now available to players, this time covering the Martial Artist and its four advanced classes.
Okay, so I exaggerate.
If you're planning to play a lot of Lost Ark -- I'm looking at you, Zach Sharpes -- and also create a bunch of content about it -- I'm still looking at you, Zach!...
Have you chosen a class to play in Lost Ark yet?...
Amazon's not letting the failures of Crucible and Breakaway discourage it from continuing to make video games.
It's that time again!...
Last year, I wrote that 2019 was a year of potential, if not immediate impact.
Amazon recently had a new patent approved in the US for a system designed to fight toxicity in multiplayer games.
Crucible is on its last legs.
Less than half a year after its launch -- and three months after its un-launch and removal to closed beta -- Amazon Game Studios has announced that it is pulling the plug on Crucible.
It's update day for Crucible.
A patch last week added a mini map and other changes.
One of the Crucible's most-requested features is finally live.