New Race/Class Combos Introduced In WildStar "Heroes Evolved" Update Are Gonna Cost Ya
WildStar's latest update is live, bringing with it the Chua Warrior and Aurin Engineer race/class combos developers promised a while back. Along with a variety of other content new content and updates -- muti-queuing, cross-faction instances, race and gender changes, and more -- the race/class combinations are now available to players. However, they are going to cost you real-world cash, if you don't want to spend some time farming Omnibits for it.
According to today's patch notes, the two new combinations "can be purchased and unlocked from the In-Game Store." These purchases unlock the ability to create the race/class combo on your account, meaning once purchased, you'll be able to create more than one of that combo.
Currently, both race/class combos are priced at 990 Protobucks (about $12.50 USD) in the shop. Unfortunately, that exact amount of Protobucks isn't available as a single purchase so you will have to spend at least $15 to get it. That said, there is another way to acquire these two combos, you can spend Omnibits earned in game to get them -- 495 for each. This may take a while, so unless you already have a lot of Omnibits put away, be prepared to wait to get your Chua Warrior or Aurin Engineer.
For more information on the new update, be sure to check out the patch notes, available on the WildStar site.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Yes, I would very much like to try this one.

The update introduces four new Protoframe characters, a new racing mini-game, and more.

Don’t worry, he’s still in charge of Final Fantasy XIV.

It’s been in the works for a while, and now it’s finally here.
1. The combat system is messed up to be able to dodge the attacks of a monster and pressing hotkeys 1-9 is a hastle and makes the combat system clumsy(Means u will try ur hardest to avoid fights and go Ohhh no do i need to kill that aswell?... Remove action bars make the game more point to kill friendly)
2. Voice overs... nothing anoys me more then reading a text from an npc that speaks random gidderish that has nothing to do with what i read, Voice acting should be about the quest jesus not static noise.
The game could be good i belive it can be, the thing is u lack to see what the player is telling u we dont want to drive a truck into battle and turn around and press combo 1-9 or get beat to a pulp we want smooth fighting and good relaxing epicness... as you promised when u posted ur devspeak we all looked and waited for a fun title that had good combat and humor...
Instead we got a pile of shit that moves like an elefant in a glass shop.
All money dealings should be completely optional.
You can tempt people sure but when tempting turns into annoying paywalls that is where you screw up, every time.
Purchase and create level-50 characters, allowing you to quickly add a new alt or catch up to your friends, and jump directly to max-level content.
This is why it's a fail