Get Ahead Of The New Server Launches As MU Online Launches New Speed Event Servers
These will be followed by the opening of Nidavellir and Neflheim.
MU Online is getting two new servers soon. Nidavellir and Neflheim are slated to go live on November 15. Prior to that, players planning on joining one of these two servers will have the opportunity to get ahead using the speed event servers launched today.
To take advantage of the speed event servers, players will need to decide ahead of time which of the two new servers they’ll be joining. Once that’s done, join the speed server and fast-track to the increased level cap while earning special rewards and benefits.
Among the benefits are a +9 Blood Angel Armor set, a +9 Divine Archangel Weapon, a Gold Chain Ticket, and more. In addition, every time a player’s master level increases to 500, 600, 700, and 800, they’ll earn 10,000 Ruud, which means they’ll have 40,000 Ruud if they manage to complete all the levels.
Once done, players will be able to transfer to their server of choice for free. They’ll also receive additional perks for hitting certain mission levels while on the speed server. This includes more Ruud –200,000, +13 3rd Wings, a 60 Day +11 Blood Angel Armor Set, and other items.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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The character is said to return on November 15.
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