The update also introduces a new Artifact Rank Upgrade system.
The update also introduces a new Artifact Rank Upgrade system.
The new hunting ground is accessible by characters with a level of 1,450 or higher.
Which means there's a speed server event, too.
Oh, yes, there’s a Halloween Roulette event as well.
And it’s time for another speed server event.
Reach max level and earn rewards quickly.
The second phase of Season 18 Part 2 introduces the Elite Zone of Gore Tarkan.
The update also introduces the new season pass.
The update introduces new artifact equipment and more.
There's various themed activities for the community to enjoy.
The new map allows players to collect Elemental Symbols.
Introducing the Illusion Knight: Jacquard.
Or gives them more buffs and shields if that’s your preferred play style.
The update increases the game’s level cap as well.
These will be followed by the opening of Nidavellir and Neflheim.
The events are limited-time, though.
Yet another season for this long-running title.
The company is officially the MMO's new publisher as of yesterday.
If you missed Soul of the Ultimate Nation, it's back – in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.
Players can pre-register today to receive special benefits upon launch.
If you were a fan of 2006’s Soul of the Ultimate Nation, this is for you.
Stripped of color by dark magic, the new area features new elemental and elite monsters.
Earn all kinds of seasonal goodies in both games starting today.
Continuing our trend of talking about games you probably haven't thought of since 2012 (like Tuesday's news), we have word that Continent of the Ninth Seal will soon be under new management.
New content has arrived for Webzen's MMO MU Online.
Webzen dropped a new update for its mobile MU offering today, MU Origin.
NCSoft has filed an intellectual property infringement suit against Webzen, claiming that Webzen's R2M game is a copy of NCSoft's mega-successful Lineage M mobile game.
MU Online players who may just feel like they're not getting enough MU in their diet now have another way to get their fix on the go -- as least if they're based in Southeast Asia.
Korean game portal Webzen is turning 12, and the company is celebrating with a festival event across the official site and social media.
MU Online players planning on taking part in the 2021 Speed for All speed server event later this month are going to want to hit up the website before the event starts.