MMOBOMBA: New Free-to-Play Total War Arena Announced
Oh god I swear I am not doing this on purpose. Somewhere the stars have aligned and through them, a horde of developers have risen up with one voice and said "we must make more MOBAs!" We certainly aren't actively trying to pursue only MOBA related news here at MMOBomb. It has simply been the primary F2P news as of late. 2013 is for MOBAs as 2012 was for shooters it seems.
At this year's ongoing GDC 2013 conference Creative Assembly, the developers best known for their massive RTS series Total War have announced a new addition to the franchise: Total War Arena, a Free-to-Play multiplayer-focused MOBA with RTS elements.
PCGamer, was kind enough to provide the source of the information, showcasing an image of a presentation slide which lists several features for the game including team sizes (10v10), the desire for a more streamlined action-oriented design, only three specialized unit types, and "massive progression". With Total War's focus on large scale confrontations, it's not hard to imagine literally hundreds of units per player clashing in battles with literally thousands of other units. The immediate thought of a large PvP focused Total War makes me think of World of Battles, which unabashedly brings in the scale of war from the TW series and places it in a multiplayer only fantasy universe.
Creative Assembly has already began asking for players to begin signing up for Arena's closed beta here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yes, there's some cash shop offerings, too.
At least its not another f*** WoW Clone or another crap FPS like there arnt a billion of those most mmo's are clones of others and they all feel generic idk I just feel like Moba's take more skill to play in the long run. -shrugs-
1) System specs that are playable on 1995 systems and macs
2) Updates OFTEN (Smite will probably die out due to their company trend of letting titles die under their name)
3) No cash shop blockage to heroes (ony cash to unlock instantly with no P2W aspects).
that cacalips said i gotta agree with all 3 of them from whichever point u look at it if u a developer or a company who will create a moba for u its a win win win but at this point for me personaly at least just cause so many are out there and suddenly so many are comin out i will probably starting really hating mobas(i am at the point of disliking them only so far)
Anyways dcuo will be the last moba i will probably ever try(when it comes out ofc)so thanks but no thanks
"Oh god I swear I am not doing this on purpose. " Atleast this made me laugh. Yes, for about 2 seconds bevor i realized that this is no joke at all.
WTF ARE THEY THINKING?! Tell me, who the hell will stop playing lol, dota, HoN or smite to start with this. WHO? Maybe just to troll the 10 ppl that stick with this game. I wont even look at this. God, please stop this MOBA games. Its an invasion. Nobody, NOBODY wants a new MOBA game. How many are out by now? 25? Who came up and said "ppl wants another Moba game"????? I guess it would be fine if there would be some new features other mobas dont have but im 100% SURE its worthless as all the other ones. Boah, not games make ppl angry. Game companys with their "great" ideas do. If any of the creators may will read thru this comments: You know what? Im sure u know what i would say....go do it...
@Cacalips: Warframe is a good game for a F2P title, but its gets really fast repetative. But its not bad at all. Have to agree with that.
2) Updates OFTEN (Smite will probably die out due to their company trend of letting titles die under their name)
3) No cash shop blockage to heroes (ony cash to unlock instantly with no P2W aspects).
LoL is good. LoL also has some weaknesses. All in all I do not play MOBAS and more. After all these years you have 2 maps, and hundreds of cheap characters (and only 2 really effective classes) dies out fast, copying the genre wont make it better. Adding new camera angles (SMITE) doesnt make it better. There is even a mobile version called "Heroes of Magic and Chaos"...It is just naother LoL clone but for the phone...It is all the same...Now, create more games like Warframe...then you got my attention, imagine Warfram with space fighting and PvE story elements...OMG!
I've yet to even bother playing these things. :D