Latest On Total War: Arena

The End of War - Total War: Arena BombLive

The Total War Arena: Closed Beta comes to an end this week, so Jason's going to hop in one more time and try to win a few more battles for the glory of Rome!...

By Jason Winter -
Total War: Arena Patch 14.1 Tweaks Leonidas, Resists Comic Sans

Total War: Arena's got a bunch of fixes coming in a patch on Thursday, and while squashing bugs isn't fun, at least the dev team is getting its jollies with writing up its patch notes. The main incoming change is this autho...

By Jason Winter -
Total War: Arena - First Look Gameplay

Jason jumps into some Total War: Arena, the free-to-play title from Creative Assembly, and scouts out the information on the free-to-play title.

By Jason Winter -
Total War: Arena Launches In US In November

Creative Assembly's just about ready to invade America with Total War: Arena, the free-to-play 10v10 team battler based on the Total War series of historical wargames. To commemorate the launch, CA will host an event at the...

By Jason Winter -
