A few months ago, we learned that Creative Assembly was partnering with NetEase to resurrect Total War: Arena in China, which shut down in the rest of the world in early 2019.
A few months ago, we learned that Creative Assembly was partnering with NetEase to resurrect Total War: Arena in China, which shut down in the rest of the world in early 2019.
Creative Assembly's and Wargaming's collaborative RTS Total War: Arena shut down its servers last February.
Over on GamesIndustry.biz, Rob Fahey talked today about free-to-play games shutting down and the kind of consumer backlash that might ensue when that happens due to players “losing” the virtual items they paid for.
Total War: Arena is shutting down in February.
Total War: Arena will soon fight its final battles.
If you've been following MMOBomb for a while, you probably know that I tend to cover nearly all the news related to war-themed free-to-play games, from Total War: Arena to Heroes & Generals to War Thunder to everything Wargami...
Creative Assembly's got a beefy new patch coming to Total War: Arena tomorrow.
After several years in development and a change in publisher, Total War: Arena is now live!...
If you're itching to try your hand on ancient battlefields but still haven't made it into one of the closed betas for Total War: Arena, your wait is nearly over.
It's a free-for-all on ancient battlefields this weekend!...
Total War: Arena is coming along nicely.
Creative Assembly is getting ready to open up Total War: Arena to the masses again, 18 months after closing it off from the masses. The 10th alpha for the free-to-play RTS has ended, and the closed beta is set to begin on S...
July 4 is America's birthday!...
Wargaming already has a connection with one British game creator that specializes in war-based titles -- and another might be on the horizon. A Wargaming blog has a translation of an interview between Wargaming CEO Victor K...
War Thunder and Armored Warfare have their adherents, but neither has come close to approaching the number of players that Wargaming has sucked in with its military strategy games.
2016 is almost gone, and that means just one thing: time to buy new calendars!...
During its closed beta, I felt like Total War: Arena's progression reminded me quite a bit like the system for World of Tanks.
Things have been pretty silent on the Total War: Arena front since Creative Assembly took the game offline back in early March.
The Total War Arena: Closed Beta comes to an end this week, so Jason's going to hop in one more time and try to win a few more battles for the glory of Rome!...
If you're enjoying the closed beta for Total War: Arena, then you'd better get your ancient combat jollies in over the next two weeks.
Total War: Arena gets its second barbarian commander next week, when Vercingetorix the Defiant makes his mark on the game.
Total War: Arena's got a bunch of fixes coming in a patch on Thursday, and while squashing bugs isn't fun, at least the dev team is getting its jollies with writing up its patch notes. The main incoming change is this autho...
Grab your spear and shield and head off to the battlefield today to join Jason as he plays Total War: Arena!...
Jason jumps into some Total War: Arena, the free-to-play title from Creative Assembly, and scouts out the information on the free-to-play title.
Creative Assembly's just about ready to invade America with Total War: Arena, the free-to-play 10v10 team battler based on the Total War series of historical wargames. To commemorate the launch, CA will host an event at the...
Creative Assembly's free-to-play multiplayer Total War: Arena has cleared a major milestone on its way to launch, heading into closed beta after a successful alpha.
History is rife with important dates.
I'm a total Total War junkie, but I'm still not sure what to make of Total War: Arena.
Oh god I swear I am not doing this on purpose.