Lost Ark Shows Off Four Advanced Classes For Gunners
Take a shot in the dark.
Smilegate wrapped up its advanced class previews for Lost Ark this week with a look at what's in the offing for the Gunner class. The four options are described thusly: "the quick, catlike Gunslingers, the destructive Artillerist, triple-weapon swapping Deadeye, or the accurate, bow-wielding Sharpshooters."
The Gunslinger is a master of mobility that has "a gun for every occasion" and is "hard to pin down." Artillerists "believe in firepower and lots of it," trading mobility for high-powered weaponry. The Deadeye is a versatile fighter that can swap between double handguns, rifle, and shotgun. Finally, the Sharpshooter eschews guns for bows, using stealth and cunning to take down foes at range.
Descriptions of each class's special powers can be found on the Lost Ark website. If gunners aren't your cup of TNT, be sure to check out the advanced class previews for Warriors, Mages, Martial Artists, and Assassins. Between all of those, there will have to be something you like, and if there isn't, then we'll have to send Zach Sharpes to your house to get your properly hyped for the game.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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