Lineage Eternal Preview and Worldwide Release Details

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

G-Star 2014 is just 2 days away and as we reported last week, NCSoft plans to reveal a ton of Lineage Eternal information. Luckily, Steparu has come through in a big way translating much of the preliminary information released ahead of the convention.

Lineage Eternal (LE) looks to be taking a few pieces from other games in the MMORPG genre and is mashing them together to create a different type of feel. The LE world has an open world feel to it thanks to the engine being able to accommodate hundreds of players in the same area. Questing looks to take on more of a Guild Wars 2 "events" approach rather than quests hubs requiring the player to revisit to turn in quests.

PvP will play a big part in LE (as in the other Lineage titles) but the scale and scope has yet to be revealed as far as open world PvP goes. With the more ARPG approach to gaming that LE is taking, we'll have to see how this feature progresses.

Here is Steparu's translated "highlight reel" of LE features:

-Open World MMORPG
-Unique Skill Activation System (Mouse Cursor Movement)
-Field Event Quests
-World/Raid Bosses with 20+ Members
-Randomized Dungeons
-Dynamic Dungeons
-PK/PvP Available
-PvP Arena
-Simplified Controls for MMORPG
-Event Contribution Upper Right
-Items and Exp. obtainable solo (Event Quest)
-Showed Town with various players hanging out
-Mobile Game Support Using Cloud Connect Features
-Generic Questing System Removed
-Supports 500 Players in one area
-New Asssassin Class

I'm not exactly sure if LE is going to fall into most people's definition of "MMORPG" but when we get more details about the open world gameplay we'll make our call.

Finally, NCSoft plans to launch LE worldwide simultaneously so it looks like we won't have to wait for this title to come west like we do for other NCSoft titles.

Now we just need to see what NCSoft's "secret" game announcement is later today.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Ncsoft, Lineage Eternal.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (6)

Merideus 10 years ago
from MMOCulture just 2 day. There will not be a world wide release & the south korea closed beta is projected 2 be in 2016. eergo we wont see this even mentioned in english till 2017-2018

Ranteamo 10 years ago
I hope they will publish it in the EU and not give it to someone like Gameforge.

uteliukas 10 years ago
Whats the release date? And do you guys think this will come out sooner than B&S? Kappa

Edge Damodred 10 years ago
I'm cautiously optimistic on Lineage Eternal. I almost want to NOT read/watch anything about it so my expectations don't get high for it. Unfortunately with most Asian developed mmo's released outside the region the publishers tend to put severe restrictions on what the local dev teams can do to the game.

I do hope they bring back Bill Brown and Inon Zur to do the music because Lineage II had just a magnificent soundtrack.

RavorsMalody 10 years ago
Amazing ! I would love to play this. Looks like a bit of tera, a bit of diablo, a bit of GW2, a whole lot of awesome

classyholmes 10 years ago
This looks quite awesome, hopefully NCsoft will take care of this game and not screw it over. If they can manage that I will be one happy gamer

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