Infinite Crisis Sets Launch Date

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


Turbine's DC Comics based MOBA, Infinite Crisis, has finally set an official launch date. The free-to-play game will move out of beta and on to its official launch on March 26th. The game will also be available on Steam that same day, although if you currently play through the existing launcher and want to move over to Steam to earn cards and such, Turbine is recommending you uninstall your current beta client and download the game again through Steam. If you don't care about moving to Steam though the existing launcher will still do the job for you.


The move to launch will not have any wipes so you'll retain any progress you've made so far. Beta testers will also be rewarded with the Flashpoint Doomsday costume 1-2 days after the 26th. Turbine states that they will never offer this costume at a later date or in the game's cash shop at any point as it is a reward specifically (and ONLY) for those that have beta tested the game.

Post launch, the team at Turbine plans to continue to update Infinite Crisis with "new features, Champions, Costumes, optimizations, and plenty more" on a consistent schedule.

You can check out the full launch FAQ here.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Infinite Crisis, Turbine.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

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Discussion (6)

KaasKoning 10 years ago
Played this game for a while and don't have much good to say about it.
Takes a while to get into a match and when you're in it 75% of the players speak russian and don't understand english.
Compared to other MOBAs out there it doesn't do anything new and is worse than them.
Only recommended to people who are a fan of the DC universe and like playing with russians.

coma 10 years ago
What is this? another shitty isometric view moba , what year is this 200Riot9? Pick up the slack and learn something from Smite you cunts

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aaasssss 10 years ago
Another generic moba with unplayable controls and very small view size, i thought this piece of .. is dead

leon 10 years ago
Played this game and I kinda liked it although this game got nothing on dota smite or lol buy is definitely better then hon and strife try it out DC fans should really give it a shot

Anon 10 years ago
After playing Smite, HotS, DotA 2, LoL, Dawngate, Strife and Infinite Crisis, I simply see no reason for this game to even exist in comparison to others on the market. It's community is dead, and i've been in teams where 5+ out of the 10 players spoke exclusively Russian, and it has nothing on HotS and brings nothing new to the table in comparison to others.

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