These game failed to capitalize on the excitement players had for them.
These game failed to capitalize on the excitement players had for them.
Some of our favorite multiplayer games that are now extinct.
Three months ago, the MOBA market was full steam ahead.
Turbine's DC Comics-flavored MOBA perhaps never rose to the lofty heights that were anticipated for it, and so the game will be shut down on Aug.
Turbine's DC Comics based MOBA, Infinite Crisis, has finally set an official launch date.
Turbine's DC Universe-inspired MOBA, Infinite Crisis, is getting a new warrior on March 4, and she's as lethal as her name. Katana is a fast-moving, sword-swinging yakuza widow whose weapon, the Soultaker, supposedly contai...
Turbine's DC Comics based MOBA, Infinite Crisis, is set to ring in the new year right away by adding more heroes.
The DC Comics based MOBA, Infinite Crisis, adds another Champion this month.
Turbine invited Spunkify to take a look at the latest map to be made available in the Infinite Crisis closed beta.
You won't need an infinite wallet to play Infinite Crisis, WB/Turbine's upcoming DC Heroes MOBA...
MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others.
Infinite Crisis just keeps looking better, with today's announcement by Turbine at E3 showcasing a new map and a new twist on gameplay for the DC Universe-inspired MOBA. Unlike its circular sister map, Gotham Heights, Coast Cit...
Even though it's still in closed beta, Turbine's new MOBA, Infinite Crisis, is already locked to be part of the competitive eSports world.
Turbine's multiverse MOBA Infinite Crisis closed beta officially starts today and with it comes yet another champion profile, the Clown Prince of Crime, Joker.
Warner Bros.
Today, Warner Bros.
In a trailer that features a pudge-esque Joker and Batman from Hell we get our first glimpse at Turbine's upcoming MOBA Infinite Crisis.