Heroes & Generals Promoted From Beta, Now Fully Launched
After a multi-year open beta that saw more than eight million registered players, Reto-Moto's WW2 shooter Heroes & Generals has now launched.
With three nations, six classes, over 60 weapons, and more than 65 vehicles, including tanks, planes, jeeps, and other transports, Heroes & Generals gives players a wide range of options to equip themselves for battle. In addition to one-off battles, players can participate in battles that impact the larger, persistent war over a map of Europe or play as "generals," strategically deploying their nation's forces and letting the "heroes" fight it out on the battlefield.
As with most online games' launch, whether that be into early access, alpha, beta, or full release, there's more to come, as Game Director Jacob Andersen said:
"We are very proud to launch Heroes & Generals. We have been working on the game for several years, and we look forward to continuing our work with expanding the game and the experience, adding features and content with regular updates for many years to come. This is only the beginning."
You can download and play Heroes & Generals via Steam or the game's website.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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There's still time to test those builds.

What does the future hold?

Given last year's cancellation and no mention of future plans, it's nice to see the show return.

The collab is live on the Steam test build now and will officially release on April 2nd.
Grahpics? You would wish it be like the trailers but its not. Its really bad. Gameplay? Don't even want to start with that.
Who would play this game while there are many other free to play games which are way better. This looks like an old battlefield game.
But hey. The game is free so downlaod it and see how crappy it is. Im not going to stop you. I only want to save your time.
Honestly, this game feels like a Battlefield 1942 0.8.
1: Grindfest. Yes its f2p but you even have to pay for ammo... not only for special ammo, even for standard ammo, yes you have a quite big stock, but ffs... is it meant to be realistic? failed. - also have to pay for your infantry shovel.. guys, cmon these are standard issue equipment...
2: Battles are empty. "Yey, an enemy!"
3: No atmosphere. And this is the best word to describe the "0.8" thing. It really feels like a bunch of the assets are still not included. U see the trailer? The game is nothing like that..
I got far to many shelved that have done nothing at all. (what a nerve)
Anyway this one was a good a game and its great its made the leap outside of the box.
watch for the dlc will it be free or will ya have to pay, again.