Latest On Reto-Moto

Heroes & Generals Adds 8v8 Tank-Battle Mode

Heroes & Generals features a mix of infantry, armored, and air combat, but in the latest update, Reto-Moto has tossed two of those out the window, with a new game mode that features exclusively armored warfare, vying for supre...

By Jason Winter -
Heroes & Generals' Newest Update Improves The Flow Of Battle

The flow of battle is the focus of the latest update for Heroes & Generals, cunningly titled "Battle Flow." It makes several changes to battle maps and also introduces a lot more cosmetic options for soldiers and vehicles.

By Jason Winter -
Heroes & Generals Promoted From Beta, Now Fully Launched

After a multi-year open beta that saw more than eight million registered players, Reto-Moto's WW2 shooter Heroes & Generals has now launched. With three nations, six classes, over 60 weapons, and more than 65 vehicles, incl...

By Jason Winter -