EverQuest Goes Free to Play

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

This March, Sony Online Entertainment's MMORPG EverQuest will not only become a teenager, it is also going Free-to-Play.

When it launched in 1997, EverQuest redefined the online game landscape, introducing the concepts of raiding and guilds within an immersive 3D environment. Since its launch, EQ has maintained its loyal fanbase with 18 expansions and countless content updates.

With the move to free-to-play, players will continue to enjoy the EverQuest experience they know and love, only now they have the power to choose a model that caters to their play style. Through the new free-to-play model, players will have the options of non-recurring vs. recurring subscriptions, Free vs. Silver memberships, item unlockers, and many more. Additionally, all players (both old and new) will be given brand new items via a 'Welcome Pack.'

Full details can be found in EverQuest Producer Thom Terrazas' community letter here:

A new EQ player matrix and FAQ regarding free-to-play can be found here:

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: EverQuest.

Discussion (16)

ada 13 years ago
its a trial version.. Free to Try, pay to play..

cacalips 13 years ago
That is official. It takes greedy F-tard publisher 15 years to change their models. Meanwhile, I was pwning on private servers of this crap. Private servers = first F2P models :). They seem to fair better then greedy devs.

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rofl f2p? 13 years ago
thats suck badly, its not ''free to play mode'' and doesnt wort to play without paying.
Its gonna be big fail as i see its just some shitty trial version...

Hunter 13 years ago
Sooo... it goes fully free to play or just a stupid trail version

Dakasan 13 years ago
So far as i can see, the free model is the same as EQ2, which is NOT WORTH to play for free. The options are too limited. It seems more like a free trail just to get addicted to the game and after that you are bound to pay.

DaHero 13 years ago
Uh you guys DO realize it's not actually a free to play title right? They're basically doing the same thing as WoW does, so don't expect to play for too long before having to fork over.

Torkez 13 years ago
Great, more sever backups. Just like on EQ2

Splinterbutt 13 years ago
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!~!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this for a LONG TIME!!!!

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Nox 13 years ago
And that day not a single fu*k was given.

Nishant 13 years ago
lol, it was launched 15 Months later i was born!!

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