Eligium: Open Beta Is Here!
As announced last week, the open beta phase of Frogster’s new MMORPG Eligium - The Chosen One will start today at 4 pm (CET). The open beta is planned to run for the next few weeks during which Frogster will count on player activity and bug reporting. Special rewards for the most active open beta testers will be announced soon.
During the open beta phase and at the moment of its official release, Eligium – The Chosen One will only be available in English. Thereafter, the game will also be released in German, Polish and French. The text awaiting translation is the equivalent of four times the entire trilogy of “Lord of the Rings” and double the amount translated for other popular Frogster games.
As promised, no created characters will be wiped following the open beta phase. Furthermore, Eligium’s Community Managers have planned numerous events and competitions during the open beta phase.To take part in the open beta test, register on Eligium’s official website www.eligium.com.
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Obviously, there's a few more dungeons to explore.

The title and the company are closing on March 31st.

They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.

Explore the final ancient fortress.
The combat is really slow paced for some classes but dps do rather well, the controls aren't ideal and feel somewhat awkward compared to other modern games.
The audio is mediocre, you'll likely find it annoying quickly but it's your standard fair.
The art direction isn't too bad in all but some of the mobs seem rather bland in design.
It's worth your time if you are bored and don't want to pay for a subscription. There are much better games out there but this one is worth a shot. The biggest qualm I have is gender locked classes which isn't as bad on here since both genders have similar style classes, the differences are mainly cosmetic.
In my humble opinion the game is not so bad, i liked, i mean the game had some translations troubles and many other errors, but instead of just complain why don´t you offer to help?
and and I've downloaded the CBT but there is no server option ..please help me dude..
-Absolutely a WoW like
*PvE interactions- Mobs spawned everywhere, looks like too obvious to attack you but no aggro??? -please replace it with porings or rabbits please-
*Skills and normal attack
~*too boring
you guys should follow Blade and soul/Tera and im sure your servers will crash due to overload
*Class lock?
- I say SACK THE DEVS ( if you will just make a game, MAKE A GAME that is actually what we call a game! )
Game definition in my points of view:
Game is made to make people happy not bored.
what more can I say, its not like i am complaining about this game or im in the wrong board.
but hope this game will last and not gonna go down fast like FAXION.
so the game has its good and bad sides. if you are lasy so this is a game fot you