Latest On Eligium

Eligium: Open Beta Is Here!

As announced last week, the open beta phase of Frogster’s new MMORPG Eligium - The Chosen One will start today at 4 pm (CET).

By MMOBomb Staff -
ELIGIUM - The Chosen One Closed Beta Sign-Up

As Frogster gears up to the launch of ELIGIUM – The Chosen One, it can today unveil the starting date for the closed beta and reveal more information on one of its many features; preparing fans for their pursuit to become the ...

By MMOBomb Staff -
Eligium: First Details Unveiled

Frogster released the first detailed information on its new fantasy MMORPG, Eligium – The Chosen One, including a cinematic trailer. The trailer depicts a band of fearless heroes mounting a daring attack on a massive demon fo...

By MMOBomb Staff -
