Dirty Bomb Gets Some Gameplay Footage, Reminds us of Brink Without Parkour
Stop, I know what you are thinking. Yes 2012 might as well be the year of the F2P shooter, with a new shooter seemingly headed into beta or release every other week, but this is different, this shooter isn't scheduled to be out till 2013, a fresh new year, a year that, according to the Mayan calender, we might not even see! Thus making it a special shoo... ok I have run out of ways of making this announcement seem like something new.
Last week Splash Damage teased us with a new trailer for their upcoming shooter Dirty Bomb. Today the studio released some pre-alpha footage that gives us a taste of what we can actually expect from their latest shooter. Early Impressions? It reminds us a bit of Brink but without the Parkour.
The video showcases some traditional PvP escort style gameplay, a mode that Splash Damage is quite comfortable with (Wolfenstein, Quake Wars, Brink). In the video, players are seen working together moving through the narrow streets of London, using various class types to overcome obstacles, revive players and generally provide support as they escort an armored mini-tank of sorts.
The gameplay shares some striking similarities to Splash Damage' previous title Brink, which was praised for its effortless parkour movement system but criticized for practically everything else. Parkour is notably absent in Dirty Bomb.
Splash Damage has also announced Founders Packs, which grants priority beta access and in-game items.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Since testing was delayed a bit on the console, you're getting some freebies.
So Splash Damage sort-of proved that free games work if they're great a long, long time ago.
AFAIK, they never made a single penny off of ET. They probably lost money, if anything.
Shame the style of brink didn't kick off really... Parkour I believe, is definitely something "Shooters" need to see, as in reality, you wouldn't get stuck on some silly little table, or other stupid items that prevent you from moving. The Parkour system Brink displayed was amazing. Shame the game just really didn't kick off as well as they had planned. Though I enjoyed Brink.
Dirty Bomb looks interesting, though, I'm not willing to spend $400 to become an alpha member, it's a bit much to "Test" their product. I might spend the $30 though to pre-opt for beta.
Meh, no thanks, do something new, stop doing cocktails.