Dirty Bomb might be in its "Golden Years," but that doesn't mean the dev team doesn't have a few surprises left for us.
Dirty Bomb might be in its "Golden Years," but that doesn't mean the dev team doesn't have a few surprises left for us.
Today, Splash Damage announced that rather than simply shuttering Dirty Bomb after ending development, it would remove all monetization from the game and leave it as a 1100% free offering, with no microtransactions, for players ...
After three years in beta (preceded by a very expensive alpha) and just two months as a "launched" game, Dirty Bomb's fuse has run out.
Six months ago, we learned about Athlon Games, a new development company created by Leyou Technologies, which owns Warframe developer Digital Extremes and Dirty Bomb maker Splash Damage.
Today's "That game is still in beta?...
Leyou Technologies Inc., a Chinese producer of chicken products -- which, as you might recall, owns both Warframe developer Digital Extremes and Dirty Bomb maker Splash Damage -- has created a new company in the United States ...
These days, it's hard to remember what entity owns which game developer.
The team at Splash Damage is keeping busy these days.
Quoting its "long and colorful history," the team at Splash Damage will be making some major changes to the Dome map in Dirty Bomb next week.
Could infantry be marching into Wargaming's titles son?...
Free-to-play shooter Dirty Bomb has another map to add it its repertoire.
Splash Damage Ltd.
As part of the ongoing Dirty Bomb beta, Nexon America has dropped an all new update entitled "The Containment War." The update features a new mercenary, full implementation of the Execution Mode, and additional maps. Set in Lon...
Nexon's free to play shooter, Dirty Bomb, starts open beta later today, name and all!...
What is Dirty Bomb?...
Nexon's name changing simulator, Dirty Bomb, continues its trek through Closed Beta.
Dirty Bomb is an objective-based FPS developed by Splash Damage.
No, Nexon hasn't taken their free-to-play shooter Dirty Bomb out of Closed Beta.
You may remember us briefly speaking about Splash Damage's upcoming shooter Dirty Bomb a time or two in the past.
Splash Damage's upcoming FPS Dirty Bomb has transitioned to a closed alpha phase which has me utterly confused as to what the difference between closed alpha and open alpha even is.
Stop, I know what you are thinking.