Dirty Bomb Dev Splash Damage Teams With Wargaming For "Brand-New Projects"
Could infantry be marching into Wargaming's titles son? Maybe, if today's news is any indication. Splash Damage, developers of free-to-play shooter Dirty Bomb, as well as Brink, Gears of War 4, and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, today announced a partnership with Wargaming that will see the British company "enrich Wargaming’s portfolio with new gaming experiences."
The press release states that Splash Damage will be "applying their vast multiplayer expertise to brand-new projects for Wargaming's community," while CEO Paul Wedgwood seems to confirm that the projects will be set in Wargaming's WW1-2 milieu:
"The Wargaming universe gives our team a great creative canvas, allowing us to develop a game experience for a massive, loyal following, and we’re extremely excited to get started."
There are several job listings on the Splash Damage site for "Wargaming Partnership." The one for Environment Artist lists "Passion for military themes and history" as desirable.
Given its extensive history with infantry-based first- and third-person shooters, one would have to think that's what Splash Damage is being brought on to develop. It's something players have always asked about regarding Wargaming's titles, going all the way back to when World of Tanks launched and continuing as World of Warplanes and World of Warships shaped up: Will there be infantry in the game? Today's announcement re-ignites those issues, after years of mostly firm "no"s from Wargaming.
That said, given the press release's strong language regarding "new" games and projects, I don't think Splash Damage will be called upon to wedge infantry into Wargaming's existing titles. The best bet would be a World War II-era shooter, possibly with a combined-arms approach, and probably match-based -- think of a Wargaming version of Heroes & Generals. Or maybe -- if we're going to dream -- it'll be an ongoing war within a persistent universe, like PlanetSide 2. Let the speculation begin!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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