Deep Dive Into Throne And Liberty's Telandre Expansion In What Is Probably One Of Their Best-Formatted Videos

The more casual but semi-organized "chatting" format is way more engaging for me than their usual video content.

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


Telandre is huge. Like really big. It apparently doubles the size of Throne and Liberty's explorable world. You know where I got that little bit of a tidbit? Why, from a new "Deep Dive" video courtesy of Godspeed and Tico on the MMORPG's team, of course. The MMORPG dropped a new video today that should keep players busy for about half an hour, so grab a drink.

The video doesn't follow the usual "Tico Talks" or update videos from the past. This one is a bit more informal and actually quite welcome. It's just two people that seem passionate about the game chatting about what comes with the expansion's release on Thursday, March 6th.

The video talks about their own experiences on the QA servers exploring the new zone, taking on boss monsters throughout the zone, and trying to get their own rare equipment drops. It's kind of nice, actually. Archbosses should encourage new strategies for those PvP players out there that enjoy keeping other players off of the boss.

On the subject of gear, obviously the Tier 2 gear drop is a big deal in the Wilds of Telandre update. Yes, you'll be grinding and upgrading again. However, the team has a new "blue" tier of this gear for returning players progressing into the full Tier 2 gear. This gear drops from open world farming, but can also be snagged via the Adventure Codex as you're working your way up to the new level 55 level cap. You should get starter Tier 2 gear along the way. Tico thinks this makes a "natural reset point" that allows players to return with no issue. The types of content used to get certain gear is being expanded to give players new options so they don't, for example, HAVE to PvP if they just aren't into PvP. Gear tokens drop from a lot more places.

In addition to more powerful gear, the new Weapon Mastery changes will allow your existing mastery to convert, so you don't have to really start over. It's just the system, types, and points changing, you aren't being totally reset. No more "training due" or 24 hour timer, either. You can distribute mastery experience to any weapon, too, not just your equipped weapon.

Interestingly, the duo talked "weapon syncing." Leveling gear can be daunting and time-consuming. If you get a helmet, for example, to +12 status, you can "sync" a new helmet you snag to that same upgrade level. This is kind of a big deal.

5 new dungeons are coming in Telandre, 3 the launch week, and 2 the week after. The 3-star dungeons should feel more accessible to players with the more difficult mechanics being moved to the dimensional trials. Solo dungeons are divided into two sections, with a "puzzle-like" section and a dungeon boss section. There's no limit to how many times you can do a solo dungeon per day, but the rewards are limited to 2-3 times per week from each boss. The bosses, by the way, are all new bosses, they aren't modified previous bosses. There's 8 total, 4 in March that rotate, and the next rotation begins in April.

The video finishes up with some info for you PvP players, and there's a quick "up-to-speed" post from Godspeed recapping a few of the topics discussed.

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About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

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