C9 Beta Test and Tournament

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Webzen announced their first PvP Championship Tournament for the Action MMO C9 (Continent of the Ninth Seal) to be held prior to the official global launch.

Last February, the first global VIP test for C9 had finished, and to take the next step, Webzen is preparing to receive registrations for the "2012 C9 Championship Tournament" held this coming May. Users who wish to compete must enter through the registration page and accomplish a mission to participate. Those who join the tournament will receive various and unique benefits in future tests.

In preparation for the tournament, C9 will open the beta test that starts in April. At first, Webzen will prepare a media focused beta test exclusively for media that starts on April 12th. Afterwards, from the 15th, users will be able to join the beta test that continues until May 6th to complete the missions for the tournament participation in May. Also, more contents for both PvE and PvP that were not revealed in the first VIP test will be revealed during this beta test.

More information about the Action RPG C9 can be found at http://c9.webzen.com.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: C9.

Discussion (12)

RJ 12 years ago
I just wish it was open world like RaiderZ or something like that.....Too many lobby based action games out there.....

hjgj 12 years ago
i played vip test and not will play more , still not challange ^^,

Nightmare 13 years ago
Ever played this game ? -.- sooo many ~.~ ppl in mmobomb...
This game is nothing Click N attack type MMORPG -.-

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Arthhman 13 years ago
You sure about that ?

I could do and endless list of WAY worse.

kkkkk 13 years ago
we know !!!

dfsdf 13 years ago

dfsdf 13 years ago

firehead33 13 years ago
its not a fps

View 1 reply
Tsukari 13 years ago
Longest... Beta... Ever...

Occip 13 years ago

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