Latest On C9

C9's December Update Launches Tomorrow

Developer and publisher Webzen announced today that the most recent update to its free-to-play MMO Continent of the Ninth Seal will be released tomorrow (December 20).

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Webzen Reveals Its 2016 Roster

Webzen, a major publisher of free-to-play online games, announced a large batch of games slated to come out this year.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
C9 Update Adds "Nightmare" Mode

This morning Webzen announced that the latest update to C9 (Continent of the Ninth Seal) is now live.

By Michael Byrne -
C9: The Ruined Empire Expansion - Gameplay Action

C9 recently had a major update titled "The Ruined Empire" which included a level increase, a new zone filled with dungeons, and a new sub-class called the Reaperess.

By Michael Dunaway -