BetaDwarf's New Co-op Game, Project F4E, Aims To Tackle Loneliness And Create Friendships
Are you a lonely MMO player? If so, then Minion Masters developer BetaDwarf has a new game it would like you to try out, with the working title of "Project F4E" (pronounced "fae," we presume). With it, BetaDwarf "aim[s] to tackle the loneliness epidemic, through video games" via a game that has a "heavy focus on replayable co-op, connecting people across the world to play together and form strong bonds of friendship."
Project F4E is a "MMOBA," defined as "an MMO Adventure that encompasses Co-op/PVE with MOBA controls and the replayability of rogue-likes." The game is "deeply rooted in social science and the core pillars of how friendships are created which is also the main ingredient for tackling loneliness, as the key proven method for that is facilitating ongoing social connections between people with similarity."
Glancing at the screenshots and animations, it certainly looks like a MOBA, with elements described as "Make friends from level 1" and "Build an epic hero each game." There are various worlds for groups of heroes to explore as they try to stave off catastrophe: "time is twisted and worlds start slicing together." New heroes and abilities are unlocked as you play, for use in "special missions with your most trusted friends."
We could certainly use more positivity in gaming, and BetaDwarf is going full-on with its messaging for Project F4E to encourage that. I'd question a little bit whether a MOBA style of play, even one that encourages PvE over PvP -- in fact, there's no mention of PvP at all -- is the best way to go about that, given the genre's reputation, but you have to give BD credit for trying.
You can learn more about Project F4E, and join the Discord and beta test, via its website.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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