Closed playtests start tomorrow.
Closed playtests start tomorrow.
Interested players can sign up to participate now!
Embrace your inner demon in the 1.40 update
Seriously, don’t miss out on this giveaway!
This patch also introduces two brand new cards to the game.
Get your chilly AoE on.
Players are introduced to two brand new cards to unleash upon their foes.
Are you a lonely MMO player?...
Minion Masters most recent update, "Best Plan, No Plan!...
Minion Masters has a brand new Scrat-themed expansion, "Best Plan, No Plan!...
Minion Masters launched a new expansion yesterday, bringing the Outlanders back in a big way.
Lots of free-to-play games let you earn premium currency through gameplay, but very few will admit that they're handing out too much of the stuff and need to pull in the reins a bit.
The arenas of Minion Masters have received their proper Halloween-ing, and it's time to summon spooks to go to war for you -- or just take in the flavor of the newly redecorated landscapes and frighten your enemies with your r...
Minion Masters' latest update (Version 1.17) introduced a new hero to the game this week.
The next Minion Masters expansion is on its way -- and rather soon too.
The second season pass for Minion Masters' Charge Into Darkness expansion is now live, which makes one wonder -- how do you have a second season pass for your content that just launched four weeks ago?...
This weekend, Minion Masters players have the opporturnity to participate in a 1v1 tournament where the winner will walk away with $1000.
If you haven't already dropped $15 on Minion Masters' latest expansion, Charging Into Darkness, we have good news.
When Minion Masters Version 1.13 arrives it will include a rework of the Accursed Ascension mechanic addressing the confusion it caused players -- particularly those newer to the game. When it comes to the acquisition of Spectr...
Prepare yourselves, another Minion Masters expansion is on the way.
Wild Cards have been a bit of a mixed bag in Minion Masters -- allowing for both inventive gameplay and abuse.
After plenty of slow reveals -- and a pushback to meet streamer schedules -- Minion Masters' Saving Jadespark Jungle expansion has finally launched.
Those of you who have been waiting on Minion Masters' Saving Jadespark Jungle expansion to release are going to have to wait a bit longer.
It's been a week since the last sneak peek reveal for Minion Masters' Saving Jadespark Jungle expansion.
BetaDwarf continues to roll out new information on the upcoming Minion Masters expansion Saving Jadespark Jungle.
In just a little under a month and a half, another update will arrive in Minion Masters, taking everyone to the Jadespark Jungle.
Get ready to celebrate the holidays in your game of choice -- particularly if you're playing Minion Masters, Secret World Legends, or Neverwinter.
A big, new update has arrived for BetaDwarf's Minion Masters, adding the new Adventures game mode.
Last week, Minion Masters teased some of the content coming in the game's next update.
When Minion Masters' next Battle Pass Expansion releases in just over two weeks, it will bring several new cards to the game, along with other features.