ASTA Open Beta Kicks Off Today

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


ASTA's open beta has officially kicked off and the launcher is available for download. In addition to making the launcher available to players, Webzen has also implemented an automated system for players to reset their account's secondary password.

Now that open beta has launched, players will not have to worry any more about character wipes, although they are warned to expect bugs and asked to report them.

For those who participated in the free-to-play game's initial beta test, Webzen is offering a coupon code that will grant a special title when entered. Note that the code will not work if your account was not used to access ASTA in November of 2015.

For details on the Open Beta and launch events -- including weekend giveaways -- check out the official announcement on the ASTA site.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Webzen, ASTA.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (16)

IDGAF 9 years ago
Did it die allready????

Kendah 9 years ago
Please try it before judging, and if you do not like it, put in mind that many others do, so just leave it to be if you have nothing constructive to say...Amazing.

idgaf 9 years ago
Korean recycling game. Dies in the Asian market comes back for the US and EUROPEAN market just to cash in for the last time and then dies again after i would say 6 months or maybe a year.... Plz Korea stop flood ouer market with shitty games like this. We dont like them, we dont play them, we hate them. They are boring, stupid and 99% of them are braindead grindfests the western market dont needs. Keep them burn them do what ever you like with them but dont bring them over to us.
Japan should start to bring the good shit over Like Monsterhunter Online or PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 or DRAGON DOGMA ONLINE and we would pay them like crazy and they would swim in money.... but they are to Xenophobic and they hate us to much to bring this games over.....

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Miki 9 years ago
Ok played for 5 hrs now!
It is OK game! Noting New but OK! i really did like maps design and animations, random events on maps remind me on rifts in RIFT, gameplay reminds me on jade dynasty mixed with wow, English voices are meeeh i liked korean ones better.Leveling is quest based.
So overall i had some fun with that map events and dungeons are ok too.
Client optimatization is not really done well for the low end pc since there is little options.
7/10 For me :)

Miki 9 years ago
Ok played for 5 hrs now!
It is OK game! Noting New but OK! i really did like maps design and animations, random events on maps remind me on rifts in RIFT, gameplay reminds me on jade dynasty mixed with wow, English voices are meeeh i liked korean ones better.Leveling is quest based.
So overall i had some fun with that map events and dungeons are ok too.
Client optimatization is not really done well for the low end pc since there is little options.

7/10 For me :)

Meh 9 years ago
Shut down in 3....2...... ok fine.. 1 week.

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