ArcheAge Team Letter Addresses Exploits And Other Issues
Today, the ArcheAge team posted a letter on the game site containing both good news and bad news -- depending on who you are. First, the good to everyone news... The team is hard at work preparing for the game's next large update in March. They also have a small event planned to launch tomorrow -- just in time for Valentine's day.
Now, for the bad news -- at least bad to those who got caught... The ArcheAge team has been investigating a few reports from players lately. The first has to do with an exploit that's been used in Russia to obtain gold through crafting. Any accounts found to be using this exploit have been terminated.
The next issue involves reports of large quantities of Apex being traded. As it turns out, some players were making fraudulent charges via the Steam Wallet. The payment method has been disabled and any accounts found abusing the system have been banned.
Finally, there was also an issue with lower grade Erenor infusions being made on high-grade Erenor items. This isn't something that was intended and now that it's been fixed Gamigo is working with XL to make sure any imbalance caused by this will be taken care of.
As we said, how good of new this is obviously depends on who you are. But, for players that didn't get their accounts banned, it's good to know about.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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