Yes, there's some cash shop offerings, too.
Yes, there's some cash shop offerings, too.
The show won't be back, but the game itself seems to have some buzz going around its return.
It's something to do, I guess.
Help the H.E.C.K. Organization "shore up" the Heckbug population.
Hey, two Rift posts in a week, that's a new record in recent years.
Everyone deserves their own space.
Hey, at least the Fae Yule event isn't the first thing on the site's banner anymore.
It’s time to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
Garx the Champion is back with fitness motivation… and GARX-ADE.
It's time for Snowfest!
The out-of-game events are the type you're likely vary familiar with by now.
Help Grandpa Robin figure out what the cat lurking around Roumen wants.
More decorating, because that may be all you have left to do at this point.
Looking for something to play that captures the scale of World of Warcraft without the monthly fee?
Even some classic monsters in the zone have been given a glow up.
Budgies are back and so are chaos motes.
New players are being called to the game with updated tutorials and some free patron time.
It's time for my "oh man I miss old Rift" event post.
It's BASED on Egypt, but it totally ISN'T Egypt, it's Krokotopia.
It’s time to prove which is better: Sundered Uplands’ Cloud Layer or Ashen Wastes.
You know the drill: kill mechs, get motes, buy prizes.
Okay, they’re both free, but it’s still two updates.
Walking in a winter wonderland, in August.
If you don’t have your feathery mounts already, now’s the time to get them.
No, they didn't add content or anything to test, it's just...open.
Plus, Rising Tides is headed to console.
Once again we're just repeating events.
But hey, go play on a PvE server.
The town is just one of the new places in the Reflection of Memories update.
If you don’t have your unicorn mounts yet. Now’s the time.