Aion's Boiling Point Event Returns And It's Time To Make More Mystic Chowder
It's that time of year again and the Shugo Mendrunerk is in need of ingredients to make his famous Mystic Chowder. Starting today (Nov 2) players will be able to help make the Mystic Chowder and earn lots of cool rewards.
Players will be able to help with the recipe by providing the ingredients earned from defeating instance bosses which have the chance to drop Bone Broth and Rolled Dumplings. Those with a little less patience and a little more cash can pick up the items from the game store. Take the items to Mendrunerk to use in his chowder making.
You'll receive one Mystic Chowder in exchange for one Bone Broth and four Rolled Dumplings. The Chowder can then be consumed for a chance at a wide variety of items.
- Enchantment Stone Dust (x500)
- Plastic Surgery Ticket
- Berdin's Lucky Star
- Berdin's Lucky Star (x3)
- Ancient Coin (x20)
- Blood Mark (x15)
- Blood Medal (x15)
- Tempering Solution
- Omega Enchantment Stone
- Enchantment Stone
- Ceramium Medal (x3)
- Starfall Clubwear
- Major Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
- [Event] Armor Box of the Full Moon
- [Event] Weapon Box of the Full Moon
- [Event] Dye Bundle
- Brilliant Archdaeva Manastone Bundle
- Large Greater Supplements Bag (Mythic) (x3)
Excess Bone Broth and Rolled Dumplings can be traded to Mendrunerk for Superior Recovery Potions.
Full details on the event, including where to earn the items, can be found in the official blog post.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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