7 MMO Games With Some Of The Best Housing In 2025

Everyone deserves their own space.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

2025 Housing

With all the time players spend in their favorite MMO – whether it be a straight-up MMORPG or an open-world survival game, or something else like a cozy MMO – they’re almost like second homes. For that reason, it’s always nice to have a place in the game to call your own, if for no other reason than to have somewhere to put all the stuff you collect on your adventures.

With World of Warcraft finally getting proper housing of its own, we thought it might be good to take a look at some of the better housing systems in video games. We’re not counting WoW in this one – although, what Blizzard teased recently sounds good. We’re also not including games that aren’t out yet, such as the upcoming Dune game, which also sounds pretty solid.

We should also note that this list focuses solely on the games’ housing systems and not any of the other features. That means that while the games listed here have solid housing, the rest of the game could be up for debate.

V Rising

If you’re going to live the life of a vampire, you need a castle – unless you’re going for that whole What We Do in the Shadows thing. In Stunlock Studios’ survival MMO V Rising, players aren’t just given their own castle but are able to build it to their own specs. Of course, the idea is to create something that a vampire would love to live in, but that also serves as protection.

The castle building has undergone a few changes since the game launched – mostly in the form of the devs adding more features. As V Rising is a survival game, players do need to think about where they’ll build. Once that’s decided, they can build pretty much whatever they want, provided they’re able to obtain the materials. Players can also have servants in these houses, which is something every vampire needs.


A super-cozy game, Palia is all about making things homey. While the game offers story and exploration, there’s a huge focus on simply making your own space in the world. As the game grows, so do the options for building, allowing players to make their best home.


Whatever problems Rift may have, its housing option – or Dimensions – is pretty awesome. Granted, Dimensions are instanced. But those who enjoy controlling a build down to the finest detail will love them.

One of the other cool things about Rift’s Dimensions is that you can build more than one type. Granted, you can’t have them all available at once, but that’s okay. All of them start out with a base environment that can help set the tone for whatever the players choose to build, but that still doesn’t limit things. Really, the only limit is patience.

Lord of the Rings Online

Really, we’re putting this here for the Lord of the Rings fans. No matter how robust or not, there’s something appealing about having a home in one of your favorite fantasy worlds – especially if you can live in the Shire or Falathlorn – or the Blue Mountains, if that’s your thing. Hell, you can even set up shop in Bree and never be too far from your favorite pub.

Of course, the houses can be decorated, just as with housing in most games. (We won’t say all games, because some just turn housing into a mini-game where the “decorating” doesn’t make your house unique.) So, get out there and make your cozy little hobbit home feel just right.

Lost Ark

In a lot of games, housing serves a bigger purpose. Such is the case in Lost Ark, where they give you a whole island to work with. Of course, you won’t have neighbors to hang out with. For some that might actually be a positive feature. What you will have, however, is a place that you can not only decorate, but that you can expand on with useful buildings like laboratories, workshops, and training camps. These buildings are upgradeable as well, making them even more useful.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV is another game in which housing has some practical uses. Granted, for a house to be truly useful, it needs to be a Free Company house – and, you’ll need to drop some extra gil for the workshop. With that done, an FC can cook its own high-level buffs and build airships and submersibles to send out and bring things back. The Workshop also allows the Free Company to craft big things like housing exteriors for their own use or to sell. Basically, if done right, it’s a way to print money.

If you don’t have an FC there are still some uses to having your own house – mostly the garden plots and the chocobo stables. Of course, you have to be able to obtain one of these houses first, which is easier said than done, depending on what Data Center you’re on. If you’re on a long-established world with a high population, you’re going to have to fight for a house – any house. If you’re going for what players consider prime real estate, that fight is going to be even more difficult. Still, if you can grab one, you can build the dream home – even if that dream home looks like a giant moogle on the outside.

Black Desert Online

BDO is yet another game that offers players beautiful houses with some useful features. Players have access to quite a few decorative options, and some of those options are useful on their own – such as beds with help generate energy. Players can also place crafting stations in their homes and make use of storage expansions. Actually, a lot of the game’s housing seems to be centered around regenerating certain stats.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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