8 Of The Best MMORPGs To Play On Linux (Via Steam)

Because sometimes you just want to get away from Windows.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

Best Games For Linux

There are a lot of reasons someone might want to do their computing on a platform other than Windows. The fact that it’s filled with all kinds of useless software from the minute to start up your computer is one. Especially because some of it isn’t so easy to get rid of. Whatever the reason someone might want to use another platform, there is one thing that has long prevented many from making the move to something like Linux… Video games.

Don’t get us wrong. Gaming has been possible on Linux for a good while now. But the fact remains that it’s not always easy. Not every developer is willing to do the work to make their games playable on non-Windows platforms, and that means that the players have to make some choices: stay on Windows, do a bit (or a lot) of tinkering to get a game to work, or look for the games that run natively on the platform.

The good news is, there are resources to help Linux gamers figure all of that out. One of these is ProtonDB, which uses player reviews to keep track of how games run. Specifically, it tracks games available on Linux via Steam and then labels them from “borked” to “platinum”. Borked is pretty much like it sounds. Platinum means it runs perfectly with no tweaks needed on the player’s end. Our list includes Platinum and Gold games. Gold runs perfectly after a few tweaks. Anything below that is going to have some problems.

Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox

As the name indicates, it’s pixel-y and it’s a sandbox. Players can explore a blocky side-scrolling world with their friends, create things in the game, explore dungeons, farm, and more. The game currently has a platinum rating on ProtonDB and is even Chromebook-ready. It’s currently unknown if it will work on the Steam Deck.


An isometric anime-style MMORPG, NosTale is just one of those very cute games. It boasts a platinum rating. Unfortunately, it’s apparently not supported on Steam Deck.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

It’s somehow not very shocking to find out that Star Wars: The Old Republic is on this list. It just feels right. This is another game with a platinum rating, and it’s playable on Steam Deck. Now you can romance those companions on the go.

AdventureQuest 3D

Another game with a platinum rating, AdventureQuest 3D is a cross-platform MMORPG. It has pretty much everything you’d expect from an MMO, classes, PvP, an evolving world, and more.


An old-school style, free-to-play MMORPG from indie developer Hunted Cow Games, Eldevin is story-driven and features over 160 realms to play in. With yet another platinum rating, this MMO is also playable on the Steam Deck.


As it turns out, both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape make the list with a gold rating for each. Both are also listed as being playable on the SteamDeck.

Eve Online

Eve Online is another one of those games that would just seem weird if it weren’t available on Linux. Maybe it’s that a game that’s basically spreadsheets in space just seems like it would be at home on the OS. It also has a gold rating on ProtonDB and is playable on Steam Deck.

Final Fantasy XIV

Yes. Final Fantasy XIV is here too. Weirdly, this kinda seems like a game that wouldn’t have made the jump, vibes-wise. But here it is with a gold rating as well as Steam Deck compatibility.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (1)

justsomeguy 5 months ago
Windows games can usually be made to work on Linux, but the main reason Windows online games don't tend to work on Linux, are anti-cheats. If a game has an anti-cheat, it in all likelihood, won't run on Linux.

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