Prepare to die, but try not to.
Troy Blackburn (Page 50)
By Troy Blackburn -
Blizzard was quick to act.
By Troy Blackburn -
Rack up the biggest scores in the new Live Area!
By Troy Blackburn -
Explore the mysteries of Silver Creek.
By Troy Blackburn -
If you weren't quite on board with Wayfinder's combat, they could be fixing that for you.
By Troy Blackburn -
No griding or taming necessary.
By Troy Blackburn -
It's all well that it LOOKS good, but will it be interesting to play, too?
By Troy Blackburn -
It's time to battle your enemies on the fields of PvP.
By Troy Blackburn -
It's time for another episode of New World: Forged In Aeternum.
By Troy Blackburn -
Matchmaking is something all games continually need to improve.
By Troy Blackburn -
Some of our favorite multiplayer games that are now extinct.
By Troy Blackburn -
This has to be one of the biggest collaborations of all time.
By Troy Blackburn -
The original Call of Duty Warzone is shutting down.
By Troy Blackburn -
It's not entirely gone, but the battle pass as DOTA 2 players know it is going away.
By Troy Blackburn -