Michael Dunaway (Page 76)

Dragon's Prophet: New MMORPG From SOE, Ride Dragons!

Sony pulled a one-two punch at this year's SOE-Live with news concerning two new MMO's, one announcement concerning new developments regarding their next Everquest MMO and the other being an MMO focused on Dragons. Immediatel...

By Michael Dunaway -
Hawken First Look

Hawken is a first person mech shooter published by Adhesive games.

By Michael Dunaway -
Jetpacks Away!!! Planetside 2 Launches November 20th

The Sony Online Entertainment gaming convention or "SOE-Live" is underway and with it some key news about Planetside 2. Fans were alerted ahead of time that SOE would be unveiling the release date for Planetside 2 and expandi...

By Michael Dunaway -
Born to Fire Closed Beta Starts

It is mind boggling how many free to play shooters have been or are being released this year.

By Michael Dunaway -