With War Thunder's controllable navy feature still a ways off and Wargaming.net's World of Warships release still a ways off (heck they haven't even launched World of Warplanes yet), there is a niche void to be filled for those ...
With War Thunder's controllable navy feature still a ways off and Wargaming.net's World of Warships release still a ways off (heck they haven't even launched World of Warplanes yet), there is a niche void to be filled for those ...
The Banner Saga: Factions is a 2D turn-based strategy game developed by Stoic Studio.
There seems to be some unspoken code about free-to-play shooters and zombie modes.
Call it an experiment.
The Command and Conquer series is one of the longest lasting real time strategy series to date, with a hardcore fan-base to prove it.
It's time to get ready for yet another Asian MMO import.
I should have known that in an effort to further slice the Kingdom Hearts series into increasingly obscure spin offs, someone would have eventually thought to make a Free-to-Play Kingdom Hearts game.
It's time to start practicing your arghs and Johnny Depp impressions, because the upcoming pvp focused action MMO Kartuga is nearing the launch of its closed beta.
Action RPG's have for the most part always been about two modes, normal and hardcore.
Just over a month after the start of open beta, Renaissance Heroes has now been deemed officially "live" in both North America and Europe.
No you didn't misunderstand.
Firefall is scheduled to have yet another open beta weekend this week and while you will find the details down below this isn't why I'm here talking to you.
On this week´s episode of Bomblive, Spunkify tries his best to combat the invading German forces in the persistent MMOFPS Heroes and Generals.
Well this was certainly unexpected.