Michael Dunaway (Page 66)

You Sunk My BattleShip: Navy Field 2 Closed Beta Date Announced

With War Thunder's controllable navy feature still a ways off and Wargaming.net's World of Warships release still a ways off (heck they haven't even launched World of Warplanes yet), there is a niche void to be filled for those ...

By Michael Dunaway -
Command and Conquer Exclusive Interview

The Command and Conquer series is one of the longest lasting real time strategy series to date, with a hardcore fan-base to prove it.

By Michael Dunaway -
Kingdom Hearts Gets Free-to-Play Treatment

I should have known that in an effort to further slice the Kingdom Hearts series into increasingly obscure spin offs, someone would have eventually thought to make a Free-to-Play Kingdom Hearts game.

By Michael Dunaway -