It seems as though the RTS series Command and Conquer is destined for a Free-to-Play title after-all.
It seems as though the RTS series Command and Conquer is destined for a Free-to-Play title after-all.
When Dusty Welch said in 2011 that his goal was to “dethrone the established leaders” with his new studio U4iA, it was easy to believe the former Activision employee and CoD developers offensive mentality toward reemerging i...
Mounted combat has finally made its way into Dragon's Prophet.
Loadout, the third-person shooter with nearly infinite weapon possibilities has finally lowered its cross-hairs dead center on a date for official release.
In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the group takes a look at SOE's controversial changes to Planetside 2's subscription plan before moving on to discuss the "hardcore" 3v3 MOBA, Deadbreed.
Gaijin Entertainment have begun the arduous task of adding new tanks to the War Thunder Ground Forces closed beta.
Until recently, if a developer wanted to get their game released on Steam it had to be feature complete and labeled as such.
Yulgang 2 is a free-aiming action MMORPG developed by KRGsoft and based on a popular Korean manga.
Not every English translation of a game lands in the western world first.
In Riot Games ever continuing bid to suck up the lead designers of some of the world's most popular MMOs, the studio has snatched up Greg Street.
Just Cause developers bring out the dead with their new MOBA Deadbreed, Perfect World's action MMO Legend of the Condor Heroes receives a new gameplay trailer, Aura Kingdom's open beta begins, and Nsquare calls it quits on Mabin...
Eldevin is a browser based MMORPG developed by Hunted Cow Studios.
Spunkify returns to SWTOR to check out the MMO's first space themed expansion, Galactic Starfighter.
Leave it up to Perfect World Entertainment, a company whose name regularly takes up a third of an article title, to release an action MMORPG with an even longer name, talk about a journalistic headache.