2014 has been a good year for SOE and their MMOFPS Planetside 2.
2014 has been a good year for SOE and their MMOFPS Planetside 2.
In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the Spunkify and Jason mull over the recent announcement regarding ArcheAge going completely F2P.
Since Loadout's official release not so long ago, the feature count has really started to pile up as more and more new additions squeeze their way into the eccentric third-person shooter.
How fitting that Elswords first female melee fighter will also be the first playable MMO character ever to cross-over from another MMO.
This week on Bomblive, Spunkify braves the new frontier of Albion Online.
Bluehole Studio, the same studio that brought us the 3D fantasy MMORPG Tera Rising, is turning some wrenches on a new Unreal Engine 3 engine based FPS Zombies Monsters Robots.
If you've signed up for a chance to participate in the cross-platform, Ultima Online inspired sandbox MMORPG Albion Online, you'll probably want to check your inbox.
The gods are truly returning to Earth this time, as Hi-Rez Studio's third-person MOBA SMITE has finally been unshackled from its beta bindings and released to players in both North America and Europe who are eager to pick thei...
ArcheAge is finally confirmed as Free-To-Play in North America, Obsidian Entertainment reveals two new Free to Play titles , Ghost Recon Online gets a new name and a new look, EverQuest Landmark heads toward Closed Beta and more...
Planetside 2 players will soon find their skies filled with a new type of aircraft, one which could easily pass as a Harraser with wings, the Valkyrie.
In the last update, we thought that some small level of cheating was going on, but didn't think it was a major deal.
Hi-Rez Studios has been teasing mythology fans with their upcoming MOBA for years, taking what was originally just a mode for Global Agenda, and driving it down a seemingly long road of changes toward what is soon to be releas...
EverQuest Landmark will be saying goodbye to its Alpha stage, and saying hello to Closed Beta on March 26th.
Armored Warfare, a new tactical military MMO, was revealed by Obsidian Entertainment today in collaboration with My.com, a subsidiary of Russian publisher Mail.Ru.