Wuxia-inspired MMORPG Swordsman is slicing its way toward a closed beta period that begins this June 16th, and will finish up later into the month on the 27th.
Wuxia-inspired MMORPG Swordsman is slicing its way toward a closed beta period that begins this June 16th, and will finish up later into the month on the 27th.
If you're a fan of side-scrolling brawlers and have yet to try KOG Games action-brawler Grand Chase now may be the perfect time to do so.
Star Wars Attack Squadron has just lost its starboard engine as Disney has just announced it is ceasing all further development on the title.
A vast array of heroes from both myth and history will be laying waste to one another in Crytek's upcoming MOBA Arena of Fate.
In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the team discuss the recent legal battle between Hex: Shards of Fate and Magic the Gathering, the unfortunate closure of ArcheBlade, and the recent announcement of the completely F2P ...
No tricks here, Nexon has just released a new gameplay trailer for Maplestory 2 which is filled with nothing but actual gameplay, a refreshing sight to see these days.
The last time we saw Splash Damage's upcoming team-based FPS Extraction was at 2013's PAX Prime.
A new F2P sheriff has now flashed its badge, and the wild wild west within Fistful of Frags still ain't room enough for the both of ya's.
Black Gold Online is a steampunk fantasy MMORPG from Snail Games.
Today on Bomblive we check out Snail Game's latest MMORPG Black Gold.
HEX faces copyright infringement, Neverwinter's Icewind Dale update goes live, Dungeon Fighter Online see's a revival, Black Gold Online continues on to Closed Beta and more on this week's episode of the F2P Weekly!...
Talk about impatience, Perfect World Entertainment having just made a large hoopla about the release of Neverwinter's third module Curse of Icewind Dale, is already generating early buzz about the Dungeons and Dragons inspired...
It's been a while since a new sports themed MMO made its way to western audiences and before you ask, no racing games do not count.
After a seemingly successful Alpha phase with plenty of player feedback, Aeria Games is taking MMOFPS F.E.A.R Online to the next level with closed beta this May 26th.