Michael Dunaway (Page 16)

Free to Play Cast: If you build it they will frag it (EP. 106)

In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the team discuss the recent legal battle between Hex: Shards of Fate and Magic the Gathering, the unfortunate closure of ArcheBlade, and the recent announcement of the completely F2P ...

By Michael Dunaway -
Maplestory 2 gets its first gameplay trailer

No tricks here, Nexon has just released a new gameplay trailer for Maplestory 2 which is filled with nothing but actual gameplay, a refreshing sight to see these days.

By Michael Dunaway -
Draw!: Fistful of Frags Now on Steam

A new F2P sheriff has now flashed its badge, and the wild wild west within Fistful of Frags still ain't room enough for the both of ya's.

By Michael Dunaway -
Free To Play Weekly - HEX, ArcheBlade, Black Gold (ep.127)

HEX faces copyright infringement, Neverwinter's Icewind Dale update goes live, Dungeon Fighter Online see's a revival, Black Gold Online continues on to Closed Beta and more on this week's episode of the F2P Weekly!...

By Michael Dunaway -
EA's FIFA World Scores Global Open Beta

It's been a while since a new sports themed MMO made its way to western audiences and before you ask, no racing games do not count.

By Michael Dunaway -