Now the gearing up REALLY begins.
Now the gearing up REALLY begins.
You'll also get new systems to sell your physical goods through your digital creations.
There's a lot going on in Wayfinder land today, let's break it all down.
Modes showcased included Castle Siege, 3v3 Arenas, and Battle for the Boonstone.
It's a new method of storytelling in Destiny 2, but what story will they tell next?
Waiting for Grand Theft Auto 6? Check out these MMO games in the meantime!
Hard mode dungeons and other events come with the update.
Do a little studying, earn a special title.
You know the drill: kill mechs, get motes, buy prizes.
This one has been a long time coming and I'm very interested in how well it does.
Now we wait as Innova will "consider" adding new content after the migration.
The date for the PS4 version to be discontinued will come later.
Today's lesson, class, is "How to get the Sandpaper out of your game's movement."
There's even more, but I couldn't fit it all in the headline.