You could even make your home a sprawling mansion on the outside, but one single room on the inside if you like.
You could even make your home a sprawling mansion on the outside, but one single room on the inside if you like.
Both PvP and PvE players get new content to explore.
The collab is live on the Steam test build now and will officially release on April 2nd.
The show won't be back, but the game itself seems to have some buzz going around its return.
This is just the start of the game's early access update plans.
Given last year's cancellation and no mention of future plans, it's nice to see the show return.
It would have been easy to just let this game disappear, but apparently passion is a powerful thing sometimes.
Closed Test 2 signups will open soon and the development between now and then will be combat-focused.
The world of Throne and Liberty basically just doubled in size.
There's compensation coming whether you pre-ordered a bundle or not.
If you think things have been a little TOO foggy sometimes, the team agrees.
Elemental Strands get an event of their own.
The new Mortis Trials activity will get its own limited-time event, too.
It's now called the Court of Blades, but old school Destiny players know what this references.