Michael Byrne (Page 179)

Land Grab Hacks Add to ArcheAge Woes

In the latest of the great land debates in the free-to-play title ArcheAge, hacking steps up to take its turn at the front of the line.

By Michael Byrne -
15 Year Old Drops $46,000 in F2P Title

In the "How on earth did they manage to do that" section of the news, a Belgium boy has reportedly spent almost $46,000 USD (37,000 Euros) in the "free to play" mobile game "Game of War." While we've heard stories like this i...

By Michael Byrne -
ArcheAge Boasting 2 Million Players

Just in case tremendous queues times didn't tip you off to the fact that a LOT of people are trying out ArcheAge, the most recent game update from Trion Worlds should seal the deal for you.

By Michael Byrne -
Arc Tracer Path Adds More "Pew Pew" to Elsword

Fans of the fast paced, manga inspired Elsword just received some new abilities to play around with as Add's Arc Tracer Job Path has been added to the free to play title.

By Michael Byrne -
