It's time for Snowfest!
It's time for Snowfest!
Yeah, sure, you can buy some. I'm talking about what you get for just playing.
The out-of-game events are the type you're likely vary familiar with by now.
You need to be in the US or Canada for this particular test and you'll have to fill out a short survey ahead of hopping in.
It's all in the timing, and the closer things get to being globally unified, the better.
The event makes sense, as much as holiday events do, but I'm not sure about other things.
The Xbox version is still outstanding, though.
Now we have to see what fruits contract negotiations bear.
With all the ups and downs the team has encountered, it'll be very interesting to see how today goes.
Ironically, we still have few details...but we do have a new trailer!
Whelp, we finally have a release window, at least?
According to Barrett, others are, in fact, doing what he was wrongly accused of doing.
New sponsors, a new "Clubs" feature, and gifting arrive in time for the holidays.
Current outage estimates point to at least 12 hours of downtime.