Mark it on your calendars.
Mark it on your calendars.
Hi-Rez Studios is dropping a new god into the fray of their free to play, MOBA, SMITE.
CABAL 2 is a free to play MMORPG that utilizes tab targeting but adds in a Combo system and a skill chain system in a traditional fantasy setting.
July's update for Robot Entertainment's Orcs Must Die: Unchained brings with it the game's first PvE-centric content.
UPDATE: According to MMORPG.com, a user by the name of Darthem may have figured out what Trion is teasing.
Open beta should be just around the corner for My.com and Obsidian Entertainment's MMORPG Skyforge.
Uncharted Waters Online, the free to play strategy MMO from OGPlanet, has launched their latest expansion, Gran Atlas Chapter 2: Astronomy, today.
Trion Wolds' sandbox voxel game, Trove, is getting ready for launch on July 9th and needs a bit of help from players to get the servers ready for the magic date.
Aeria Games' latest free to play MMORPG, Echo of Soul, has officially launched on Steam.
Metro Conflict, the free to play FPS from OGPlanet, has moved into open beta.
Skyforge makes the final push towards an open beta launch today as the team at Obsidian Entertainment kicks off the fourth and final closed beta phase today, June 23rd.
As My.com and Obsidian Entertainment finish up Early Access Test 2, it's time to look forward to what players can expect when they enter Early Access Test 3 for the upcoming free to play Armored Warfare. The largest additio...
Chris Wilson, Lead Developer for Path of Exile, took a few moments to post an update on the official forums to give players an idea of what to expect as the ARPG moves closer to launching their expansion, "The Awakening." From...
Post apocalyptic MMOFPS, Survarium, has launched a pretty significant update to the game and players are encouraged to check out some of the key differences Vostok Games has made to the free to play shooter.