Webzen, publisher of C9, has inked a deal with Polygon Games to bring the Asian culture inspired MMORPG, ASTA, to Western markets.
Webzen, publisher of C9, has inked a deal with Polygon Games to bring the Asian culture inspired MMORPG, ASTA, to Western markets.
Cinderboy's translations over at MMO Culture reveal that TERA will not be online for much longer in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Yep, that's about it.
Ginno Games, the developer of Devilian Online, and HanGame, the publisher of said free to play MMO/ARPG in Korea, are cutting ties and this means that the Korean version of the game will become unavailable for an unknown perio...
It's nice when your game already has over 1 million players on launch day.
We've known that Carbine Studios intended to implement a Loyalty type system pretty much from the moment they announced that their MMORPG, WildStar, would convert to a free to play model.
We've all seen gaming companies come and go.
Trion Worlds has announced that Trove, the free to play voxel sandbox, has reached the 1 Million users milestone in less than a month.
The end of August is becoming a very busy period for free to play MMOs.
What should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone is news that Blade & Soul will be offering Founder's Packs for sale in anticipation of its launch.
Take your typical mage's burst damage capabilities, throw in the delicate nature of the squishy mage, and add in an hunter's penchant for ranged weapons and you get the Cannoneer class in Trion Worlds' upcoming Devilian Online...
Forbes is reporting that Sega has announced their intent to release a console version of Phantasy Star Online 2 on the PS4 in 2016.
Trion Worlds has issued an FAQ document to ArcheAge players about the upcoming Server Evolution process.
Drago Entertainment has quietly been working on the Tad Williams novels inspired MMORPG, Otherland for quite some time.