Yep...and chat will be recorded for use in player reporting.
Yep...and chat will be recorded for use in player reporting.
Game Pass hits the F2P world in a big way with a new partnership with Riot Games.
Yeah...turns out that if you don't do monetization right the reviews may suffer.
Maybe getting the axe was the best thing for the game as this looked more Pixar than Marvel.
The votes were counted, now negotiation will begin.
We love the art style in MultiVersus and Konami did well...all that and more!
The board approved things...but will the government?
New agents, characters, and a new type of leave implemented at GOG.
Tempering expectations is fine...but saying it may never come out?
The event will try to return next year in a "big way".
Whether it's Control or sucking the life from your opponents, Ethos has you covered with this week's news wrap-up!
New MMORPGs are always exciting, but will they find an audience is what remains to be seen!
And Dauntless gets even more "behemoth-y!"
Cantha is back and Call of Duty may just wait a year.