Currently exclusive to the Epic Games Store, YAGER's semi-cooperative PvPvE shooter The Cycle is hatching from its beta shell later this year.
Currently exclusive to the Epic Games Store, YAGER's semi-cooperative PvPvE shooter The Cycle is hatching from its beta shell later this year.
Star Wars: The Old Republic launched on Steam just over a month ago, and BioWare's got a bonus or two lined up for players to celebrate the move.
Bungie revealed a brief new teaser trailer for Destiny 2: Beyond Light, showing off new areas and some of the spiffy powers Guardians will be able to wield when the expansion drops on Nov.
There may be no Olympics this year, but you can still compete in the biathlon -- the Tank Biathlon and Sea Biathlon, that is, in War Thunder.
As if the map for spacefaring MMORTS Starborne wasn't big enough, it's about to get even bigger.
Yesterday's V4 patch added some new content to Nexon's free-to-play -- or free-to-not-play, depending on your point of view -- MMORPG.
Since Daybreak Game Company split into three development houses, the team behind PlanetSide 2 has had its hands full making big changes to the game.
Path of Exile's got a new expansion coming out soon, and we'll have more details on that next Tuesday.
You can now take World of Tanks Blitz with you wherever you go, as Wargaming has released its free-to-play tank battler game on the Nintendo Switch.
The Heart of Deimos expansion is now live for Warframe on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One (and coming to Switch later this week), sending tenno to the "grotesquely beautiful" Cambion Drift location for adventure and eviscerati...
Webzen's Metin2 will be getting a free expansion next month for European players via publisher Gameforge.
Today is the eighth anniversary of Guild Wars 2's early access launch, on Aug.
Epic Games has achieved at least one small victory in its fight against Apple.
If you can't stand to wait another day for Warframe's Heart of Deimos expansion ...