Yager let us know last month that the next season of The Cycle was going to be delayed and promised prospectors on Fortuna III a midseason replacement.
Yager let us know last month that the next season of The Cycle was going to be delayed and promised prospectors on Fortuna III a midseason replacement.
It's time for Season 2 of Rocket League, which we told you would be kicking off on Dec.
Becoming a prominent and well-regarded member of an MMORPG's community is a hard-fought honor.
EverQuest's 26th expansion, Claws of Veeshan, is now live, and if you thought 2020 was bad for us, check out this description: "Velious is overwhelmed with writhing ice.
It's been a while -- about 16 months, in fact -- since we've heard anything regarding vehicular MOBA Heavy Metal Machines, but maybe that's because Hoplon Entertainment has been busy working on its console launch. Heavy Met...
Free-to-play hockey action is headed your way, with today's launch of Slapshot: Rebound from indie developer Oddshot Games.
Last week, I suggested that Blizzard was in the right for not communicating about the changes it was planning for Hearthstone's much-maligned progression system until there was something clear and detailed to present.
We're a few weeks past Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean you can't still go back to the table for seconds -- or, in the case of Cuisine Royale, a second edition.
AFK players and leavers are an annoyance in any game, and doubly so in a competitive one.
What better way to celebrate the Holiday season than with tanks and Chuck Norris?...
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Update 6.2 has a lot going on, which we've detailed before, and now it has a date.
We've all grown used to seeing struggling games with low populations merge their servers, but when's the last time any of us saw a server un-merge?...
December 15 is poised to be a big day for magical battle royale game Spellbreak.
Remember when we said Skyforge would be coming to the Nintendo Switch in the fall?...