How is your favorite SOE title celebrating this spooky time of year?...
How is your favorite SOE title celebrating this spooky time of year?...
If you're not familiar with the Perfect World ZEN wallet used on their ARC platform here's a bit of a recap.
For those of you that are having a hard time getting land in ArcheAge, or those of you just looking for something new to do, get ready!...
The potential move that has had the Warframe forums ablaze for a while has finally happened, but it appears that more than one player was involved in the acquisition. There's a lot of "parent company" jargon in the acquisit...
On this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, we switch to a video format (let us know if you like it!...
My.com's Armored Warfare, currently taking beta applications, adds even more complexity and customization to war with the addition of Crews and Commanders. Crews in tank/warfare related games is nothing new.
If you've been searching for something that has the 5v5 deathmatch gameplay but also brings a bit more of a tactical element to your gaming, then you may want to keep Dreadnought on your radar. Brought to you by the teams a...
Magicka: Wizard Wars celebrates one year of Early Access/Beta availability today.
Just in case city building was becoming a bit "Oh-hum" for you lately, The Settlers Online Halloween event begins today.
Halloween has come a bit early to players in Tera: Rising.
Time is almost up!...
In most MMORPGs, there's a feeling of your character being a bit more powerful than the world they inhabit after a period of time.
Today on Bomblive, Magicman jumps into Star Wars: The Old Republic to get his Juggernaut ready for the upcoming expansion.
Jagex will be adding a card game to its library of online games very soon.